Friday, May 13, 2011


My mind is a swirly mess of nostalgia, excitement, and sadness. No matter how hard I try, I can't explain to you how I feel. Instead, I am going to remember the things that make me smile, and share them with you here.

-meeting my new roommate on the first day of college and realizing we had matching bedspreads

-donning my bathing suit at 2:00am with some hall mates to go mud-sliding outside of the freshman dorms because it was raining, warm, and we were wide awake

and i still didn't do laundry for a week after that
-my first hangover, followed by my first confession with our chaplain at school

-my first adoration

-picking my major simply because I loved it

-that one time I didn't wake up until 4:00pm

-that other time I didn't wake up until 4:00pm

-being on the coolest intramural soccer team ever, the Dir-T-Birdz (5 time undefeated champions!)
everyone did the birdz wing flap. i made a beak. KAKAW!

-exploring the nations capital, a big switch from beach living

-front row seats near the 50 yard line and an NFL game
wearing my dir-t-birdz shirt :)
-sticking my tongue to a pole during the snowpocalypse
for someone who has watched A Christmas Story 8 million times, you'd think I would have known better

 -being a bridesmaid for my beautiful cousin

-musically and vocally talented friends who share their beautiful gifts with their not-so-talented-but-love-listening-to-people-who-are friends

-summer vacations and spring breaks (they don't have these in the real world, and I will miss them something awful)

-a life-changing mission trip to the Dominican Republic

-college basketball

-the best Halloween costumes EVER
sophomore year- Matilda

junior year- Napoleon Dynamite

senior year-Lucille Ball (won me the costume contest, woot!)
-a real prayer life

-being unabashed about my faith

let me show you how Catholic I am through markers, glitter and poster board (does that nun look familiar??)

This entire list is a list of memories. Happy, sweet memories that I will cherish forever. Soon to be added to the list is walking out of my last final exam, and graduation. And soon after that, I will start a new chapter in life, blank pages waiting to be filled with more great memories.

The final thing I would like to add to this list is all the friends I have made. But the friends I've made can't go down as memories, because I know they will be present for years to come. So here's to good memories and great friends. Cheers, class of 2011!

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