Monday, April 5, 2010


For a good decade of my life, I was a girl scout. I know the joys of Easter like every Christian around the world, but as a former scout, I am able to celebrate in a unique way. Easter, for girl scouts, is that glorious time of year when the samoas, thin mints, trefoils, tagalongs and the like, come out of their hiding place in the freezer. Cadbury is no longer contraband. Those tasty treats that were sacrificed for 40 days are now part of the scrumptious celebration that is Jesus rising from the dead.

Even more sweet than chocolate though, is that some of my dear friends received Eucharist for the first time in their lives. Even though I couldn't be there with them at the Vigil (because I went home for Easter), I was able to see them today at daily mass receiving for the second time! Each one is just as special as the first! God has blessed the church with a spiritual multiplication, and a hunger for Him.

On a more personal note, my visit to home was bittersweet. It was wonderful to see my family, and spend time with them. It will be the last time I see them until after my final exams. Sadly, one of my best friends from high school was involved in a car accident the night I came home that left her with 3 broken ribs and a broken back. I was able to spend a few hours each day with her in the hospital, before her surgery this morning (which went well!). Now she is on the road to recovery, and I'm sure she would benefit from all of your prayers, so please pray for my dear friend Logan.

Even though she was in the hospital on Easter, the Christ-like spirit of this holiest of days was not lost. When I arrived that afternoon in the ICU, she was surrounded with family and friends, and even some stuffed animals from home. I added to the collection by sneaking in chocolate (which was only a small contribution to her bountiful Easter loot). So Logan, I dedicate this blog post to you, meager as it may be. I will be praying for an easy and speedy recovery, and I hope you enjoy the chocolate!

1 comment:

  1. ruthie! thank you for the blog, i love you. and i am glad u put the link back up because i forgot to save it, and i have something to read every morning on my road to recovery :)
