Monday, March 15, 2010


The word "stress" was not in the Spanish vocabulary until relatively recently. Because they didn't have their own word for it, they invented one, and by inventing, I mean they added the letter "e" at the beginning and threw in an accent mark. Isn't that incredible?

What I wouldn't give to live in a world where stress wasn't even a concept! I am back to my first day of classes and I have never felt so stressed and anxious. Classes and work and responsibilities seem to be piling on me like they have never done before. Even my own personal life is hectic, coming back from break and having to readjust and see people I haven't seen in over a week.

An even bigger challenge is making time for prayer. Luckily every Monday night, the chapel here offers adoration in the evening. Prayer is one of those things that can seem to be a time consuming activity, one that would add to stress because while in prayer, I am not getting work done. But something miraculous happens there. You talk to God, and He hears you! How mind-blowing is it that the God of the universe listens to you? It's something I am not awed by enough.

Hopefully, prayer will be fruitful tonight, and I will be able to finish my Spanish paper due tomorrow on a novel I have yet to read. This is very estressful.

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