Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spring Break

My school's spring break is rapidly approaching, and it is making it harder and harder to stay focused on what I should be accomplishing in my life right now. Homework is impossible to even care about, sleep is left for when the sun is out, and a well rounded meal means it just needs to come out of a box, into a bowl, and be eaten with a spoon.

As Catholics, we certainly don't (or shouldn't) treat our celebrations like that. Currently, we are anticipating Easter Sunday, the biggest celebration ever! But instead of acting like college students, we live in a more ordered fashion, by preparing our hearts and minds for the coming of Christ. We order our prayer lives in a way that aligns with our physical being, by praying and fasting together, and we change the gospel proclamation. Some people even dare to go so far as to not check their facebooks (those are the crazies).

If I am supposed to be living and integrated and ordered life, that means not just my "Catholic girl" life, it means all of me. Being a Christian is to give every facet of your life to God, including studying. While I certainly have much to work on to live a more ordered life, I have found that making your work a prayer is helpful. Your desk is your cross (I think a saint said that?). Scary, but true.

I will begin living an ordered life now. The sky is still dark, and I ate food that required a fork today. Perhaps I will even get some homework done.

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